Feb 282011

I thought I would update you all on the progress of ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON as of March 1, 2011. Thanks to all of you there are now more than 650 copies of the book in circulation in four countries including the United States, England, The Cayman Islands and South Africa. There have also been more than 2,300 visits to the website pages since January 2011 including one from Moscow Russia. Thank you all very much!

Hits : 194
Feb 142011

James Bouvier was interviewed by Stuart Rothberg about his new book ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON at Sagemont church Wednesday February 2, 2011. Following the church service there was an opportunity for James to sign books. There are now more than 560 copies of the book in circulation.

Wednesday February 2, 2011

Hits : 190