Apr 262012

Breakfast With Family and Friends

Saturday April 21, I was privileged to be able to share my story of the writing of ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON with an awesome audience of gracious people from churches throughout the Friendswood area. I shared with the audience of about 100 people that they will be shocked to learn what God has in store for America and the world. My close encounter with the 9/11 terrorist attack was the inspiration for the book but that fateful day was also a wake up call for America that I believe we missed. When you read from ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON what will happen during the last years of the world’s existence you will believe you must be reading chapters from the latest chilling New York Best seller science fiction book or electrifying scenes from the latest blockbuster movie. However, I assure you what you will be reading is real! Overall, it was an awesome day. It was also my birthday and what a great birthday present to be able to share my story with so many! I look forward to future opportunities to share the story with others.

James Signing Books


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