Jan 262011

Book Signing 01-2011The second book signing for Escaping Armageddon was held at Sagemont church Sunday, January 23 and was again rewarded with an overwhelming response form Sagemont members. All proceeds from the sale of books were given to the Living Proof Project. There are now more than 500 copies of the book in circulation.

Hits : 266
Jan 132011

James will be at the Sagemont Church bookstore on January 23rd from 9:00am to 12:30pm to personally sign your copy. Books can be purchased at the bookstore for $15.00. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to the church.

Hits : 327
Jan 132011

James BouvierLongtime South Belt resident James Bouvier recently wrote and published a book. Titled Escaping Armageddon: Learn the Secret to Surviving the End of the World, the book is inspired by the incidents that took place on Sept. 11, 2001. The book describes a mysterious message delivered to planet Earth almost 2,000 years ago warning future generations to prepare for the end of the world. Documented in ancient manuscripts, this little-known chronicle of the future describes a deadly global invasion of Earth from beyond, climaxing with Armageddon. A “Doomsday Clock” will be activated by James Bouvier Local author publishes book an imminent international event, beginning the countdown to the end of the world. Once the clock starts ticking, it cannot be stopped. Bouvier, himself, narrowly missed being in New York City at the time of the 9/11 catastrophe. On Friday Sept. 7, 2001, he was working in the financial district across from the World Trade Center. He left the offi ce then traveled to Houston that evening and was scheduled to return to the financial district the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11. However, his return to New York was delayed, and he escaped the terrorists attack on Sept. 11.

A native Houstonian, Bouvier has lived in the Sagemont area for more than 40 years. He married his high school sweetheart, Sharon, who graduated from the University of Houston and retired from the Pasadena school district after 30 years of dedicated service. Their son, Steven Bouvier, and his wife, Amy, both graduated from Dobie High School and the University of Houston. The couple live in Pearland with their two children, Riley and Grace. The Bouvier families attend Sagemont Church. After graduation from the University of Houston with master’s degrees in mechanical engineering and business administration, Bouvier worked for NASA in the early pioneering days of space exploration and made a contribution to the landing of the first man on the moon. Later he completed a successful 30-year career with a major electrical power generation company. The first 300 copies of the book were sold at a book signing sponsored by Sagemont Church on Sunday, Dec. 19. Additional copies can be purchased at and To purchase a copy signed by Bouvier, visit the author’s website at

Hits : 238
Jan 132011

Sagemont Book SigningThe anticipated release of James Bouvier’s new book “Escaping Armageddon” is here. At his first book signing, hosted by Sagemont Church on December 19th, James signed over 300 books before running out of the copies he had on hand. As a result an additional book signing will be held again in the near future. James graciously donated the proceeds to the church.

Hits : 250