Apr 262011

The Middle East is on fire. North Africa is in turmoil and the world is spinning out of control on a collision course with destiny. As the prophecies of ancient manuscripts are being fulfilled at the speed of life the “Doomsday Clock” for planet earth will soon be a heartbeat away from being activated. Once it starts, the clock will begin the countdown to the end of the human race and it cannot be stopped. Read ESCAPING AMAGEDDON to learn the secret of true north and the way to survival.

Apr 112011

The president of Iran has vowed openly to “wipe Israel off the map” and destroy their allies. Last week information was disclosed about another facility in Iran that is being used to develop weapons grade nuclear material for a bomb. This additional capability, previously unknown to the world, accelerates Iran’s ability to make good on their threat. THE CLOCK IS TICKING…………………………………………………………………………

Apr 012011

Yes! Keep your eyes on Israel. That island of democracy in a sea of Muslim nations is the “canary in the coal mine” for events that will soon activate the “Doomsday Clock” for planet earth. The world will accelerate on a collision course to destiny and initiate the final chapter in the human race. Once the clock is triggered it cannot be stopped. Don’t be left behind! Keep watching the news in the Middle East and North Africa while you’re reading ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON.

Mar 262011

If you’re a breathing American, you know that political undercurrents are threatening to destroy the very fundamentals on which our country was founded. Unsustainable spending by the Federal Government has created a financial crisis in our nation that endangers our future. In fact, most of our world is struggling with the chaos caused by mounting global financial debt, political unrest, the threat of the utilization and proliferation of nuclear weapons and unimaginable natural disasters of a catastrophic magnitude. The end may be closer than we think but there is hope revealed in ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON.

Mar 162011

The nation of Japan was recently hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes in the world followed by a catastrophic tsunami. Now they are dealing with a potential meltdown of atomic reactors that could release lethal radiation. We hope for the very best for the disaster ravaged nation as well as safety for those who are trying to help. With the disaster in Japan, unrest in the Middle East and North Africa and financial crisis throughout the world including the United States, one might wonder- WHATS NEXT? Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON for the final chapter of the human race and the only way to survive!

Mar 102011

America is approaching the 10th anniversary of 9/11, that fateful day that inspired the writing of ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON. Please remember the families of loved ones who lost their lives and suffered injury without warning at the hands of the terrorists on the morning of September 11, 2001. As you can see the new construction at the memorial on the ground zero site is progressing and will soon be completed .

READ ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON to learn the ULTIMATE fate of the world and the secret to escape!

Mar 082011

What do YOU think about the end of the world? View the short video (THE END?) and see what others think. Then read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON.

Feb 282011

I thought I would update you all on the progress of ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON as of March 1, 2011. Thanks to all of you there are now more than 650 copies of the book in circulation in four countries including the United States, England, The Cayman Islands and South Africa. There have also been more than 2,300 visits to the website pages since January 2011 including one from Moscow Russia. Thank you all very much!

Feb 142011

James Bouvier was interviewed by Stuart Rothberg about his new book ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON at Sagemont church Wednesday February 2, 2011. Following the church service there was an opportunity for James to sign books. There are now more than 560 copies of the book in circulation.

Wednesday February 2, 2011

Jan 262011

Book Signing 01-2011The second book signing for Escaping Armageddon was held at Sagemont church Sunday, January 23 and was again rewarded with an overwhelming response form Sagemont members. All proceeds from the sale of books were given to the Living Proof Project. There are now more than 500 copies of the book in circulation.