Sep 162011

Many economists today are warning of a global economic meltdown if the unsustainable spending and rising debt of many countries as well as the unprecedented trillions of dollars of debt of the United States is not stopped.  In addition our government must curb their appetite for “freely printing” money to pay for programs we don’t need with money we don’t have.

Many countries are losing faith in the American dollar and are talking about a new global currency to replace it. Others talk of devaluing the dollar. Hey, it’s already devalued from being worth 1 dollar to less than 75 cents. Even China has started to reduce their holdings of American Treasuries. Who will buy our bonds, our debt, who will loan us money?

Remember the devastating results of devaluing the German currency in 1923. The fear of a devalued dollar and hyperinflation is causing the “gold rush” of the 21st  century. WILL IT HAPPEN HERE AND CAN IT GET WORSE? While many are preparing for a possible financial armageddon and you should at least think about it, read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON and learn about the real Armageddon that is coming!

Aug 132011

Did you know that our planet earth has a natural wobble to it as it rotates and spins around the sun? It’s kind of like an automobile tire that is slightly out of balance. However don’t worry, the wobble is so slight that only sensitive scientific instruments can detect it and we cannot even feel it. However, one day as a result of the supernatural invasion of our world from beyond, the wobble will be mysteriously magnified and as a result, planet earth will be subject to apocalyptic natural disasters that have only been imagined by the most creative writers of science fiction books and movies. Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON to learn more.

Jul 182011

We just returned from a fantastic vacation in the Cayman Islands where the water is so clear you can’t believe it. You can see things on the bottom 100 feet under the surface and the beaches are beautiful. However, it is somewhat disconcerting when you understand what reliable ancient manuscripts have to say about what will happen to all the islands like Grand Cayman one day. Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON to learn more.

Jul 132011

America is in turmoil due to the unsustainable spending of the government, the coming apocalypse if the national debt limit is not increased, fears of inflation, the decreasing value of the dollar and the constant commercials warning us to buy gold and silver now in order to have something of value during the coming crisis. 

People, wake up.  If you haven’t noticed, we are in a crisis along with the rest of the world. Also, reliable ancient manuscripts written thousands of years ago warn us that one day soon it won’t matter whether we have hoarded gold, silver or some other “precious metals.” The only thing the human race will be concerned with is survival and everything but food, water and shelter will be worthless. The only sure way to escape the onslaught of disaster is to know the secret to survival. Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON, watch for the signs and be prepared.

Jun 282011

Our nation is rapidly approaching the date when the $14.4 trillion debt ceiling must be increased or risk a historical financial crisis, and the clock is ticking. However, there is another clock, the mysterious “Doomsday Clock” for planet earth that was introduced to mankind more than 2,000 years ago and stopped ticking several hundred years later as suddenly as it started. That clock could be activated again at any time and then, … Want to know what happens when the clock starts ticking, read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON.

Jun 202011

Are you worried about what the future holds for you and your family?

Are you troubled about the unemployment and financial problems in the United States?

Are you concerned about the mounting crisis in the Middle East and North Africa?

Are you apprehensive about the increasing number of natural disasters?

Do you wonder where in the world are we going?



Jun 082011

Thousands of years ago reliable ancient manuscripts predicted that one day in the future, perhaps our future, a popular international political figure will electrify the world by returning to life on global television after being fatally wounded by an assassin. However, this will not actually be a magic trick. In fact, this is the power of evil and as exciting as that event may be, you definitely do not want to be there to witness it. Read why in ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON.

May 222011

Well as fragile as the world is, it did not end May 21, 2011. However, don’t get too comfortable. The warnings are all too clear and the last of the prophetic signs recorded in ancient manuscripts are being fulfilled in the world right before your eyes at the speed of life.

President Obama made a landmark speech Thursday May 19 that is certain to accelerate our planet onto the slippery slope to its ultimate destiny. I believe he put the last nail in the coffin that will leave Israel as an island of democracy in a sea of Muslim enemies without a single ally.  By basically endorsing the demands of the Palestinians and requesting Israel to abide by the boundaries of 1967, the United States abandoned Israel and ignored previous commitments by the United States to support Israel at all costs. The nation of Israel is the lynch pin in the events that will ultimately result in the destruction of our world.

Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON to experience the dramatic account of the end of the world that was so clearly and accurately documented in ancient manuscripts almost 2,000 years ago by a mysterious visitor from another dimension. The facts are undeniable and the course of humanity is now irreversible and unstoppable. Only the precise timing of the end is uncertain.

Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON and learn what you can do to be prepared!

May 162011

Pastor Harold Camping made national news by  making the “guarantee” that the end of the world will begin on May 21,  and that’s today. He and a group of his followers are traveling the country spreading the word. Do you believe it? There is no doubt that the world is now on an irreversible collision course with destiny at the intersection of ancient prophecy and current events. However, will the world actually end someday? How will it end and when? Are we being invaded? Always get a second opinion to be sure you know the facts. Read ESCAPING ARMAGEDDON and get the truth.

May 062011

May 4, two rival Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah signed a peace treaty uniting the groups against Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel said the new Palestinian alliance is “a mortal blow to peace and a big prize for terrorism.” OBL is dead but terrorists and terrorism lives on. Read Escaping Armageddon to learn the fate of our world and the way to survive.